Zakladni Prikazy Linuxu 2
TERMINAL ON-LINE … spojeni na linuxovy terminal
prikaz | kratky vyznam |
cd | change directory |
ls a ll | list directory contents |
pwd | print name of current/working directory |
whoami | print effective userid |
df | report file system disk space usage |
du | estimate file space usage |
grep a jeste grep | – print lines matching a pattern |
find | search for files in a directory hierarchy |
vi/vim | editor |
cat | concatenate files and print on the standard output |
less | mene |
more | vice |
tail | konec souboru |
head | output the first part of files |
ps | report a snapshot of the current processes. |
clear | vycisti obrazovku |
exit | konec |
ssh | pristup prez ssh |
mkdir | vytvoreni adresare |
rm | smazani filu |
rmkdir | smazani directory |
cp | copy |
man | manual |
crontab | maintains crontab files for individual users |
htop | bezici procesy |
mount | primountovani |
netstat | sit |
touch | The touch command updates the access and modification times of each FILE to the current system time. |